Welcome to web site of Theinchai Oranrigsupak...
Hello. Sawasdee Krub. Thank you for visiting my website. Since May 2002, I
have graduated with an MBA from
McCombs School of Business,
University of Texas at

During summer of 2001, I worked at the global corporate finance
division of Andersen office in Bangkok, Thailand. I took part in several
projects including hotel divestment, merger and acquisition of
multinational steel companies, and state enterprise privatization, among
Take a look at my resume. I have made it available in 3 versions for
your convenience: -
- HTML version
- Word XP version
- RTF version (Rich Text Format)
Tip: If you want to download my resume in Word or RTF, you may have to right-click on
the above links and choose 'save target as' or 'save link as'.

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